Write Gardening Articles for Gardenzine
If you are passionate about any gardening subject why not share your passion by writing about it for Gardenzine?
We want to hear from you whether you are a gifted amateur or a gardening professional.
Gardenzine receives an average of 60,000 hits per month, peaking at over 150,000 during the peak gardening season and we link with most of the major gardening sites and search engines.
When an article is published on Gardenzine, it remains on our site permanently and is indexed on our back copy page and on our articles by category pages. We find that, the longer our articles remain online, the higher up they appear in search engine listings.
Our most popular articles are in the 'how to' series but all our articles receive a good amount of readers and the more specialised your knowledge, the better.
If we accept your article for publication, we will include a by-line with your credit and profile plus a link to your web site if you have one. Send us a banner or image ad with your article and we will include that on your page too.
If you don't have a website or business to promote, we can add a link to your favourite charity.
You will also receive updates on the amount of traffic that has visited your page and we pass on any comments we receive about your work.
If you have an interesting gardening related article you would like us to consider for publication, please send your article plus any related images (jpeg or gif format only please) to:
Please Note
If you are sending related images, these must be your own and you need to state this in your email.