All Gardenzine articles relating to grow your own

Grow your own Leeks
Leek is a versatile vegetable that is easy to grow and ready in winter and early spring when other vegetables are scarce and expensive.

12 Easy to Grow Vegetables
Here are the 12 vegetables you will have no problem planting, tending for and harvesting in your own garden, even if you are a first-time gardener.

Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard is one of the easiest vegetables to grow, tolerating neglect and most types of soil. With its glossy, crinkled leaves held above rainbow coloured stems, it looks attractive enough to grace any flower border.

Grow your own Potatoes
Growing potatoes is relatively easy and there's nothing more rewarding than digging them up and searching for all your new potatoes in the soil.

Growing pea shoots
Pea shoots will provide you with your first crop in around fourteen days and you can expect at least 3 crops from each plant.

Companion planting
Ever wondered why you see flowering plants such as marigolds and nasturtiums growing alongside vegetables in allotments? This is because traditional gardeners have long since recognised the value of companion planting.

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